Increasing Win Rates
While having a defined sales process is critical, it's not the only factor that determines your win rates. It's important to have the right tools in place to support your sales team and help them close more deals. That's where Revenueify comes in. We're experts in helping integration and IT companies by reducing selling costs by 6% on average, without adding additional staff or complexity to your process. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how we can help you achieve even greater success with your quoted opportunities.
The average win rate on quoted opportunities in the Integration and IT markets is 33%. That means that nearly 70% of the work your highly paid engineering staff is quoting, goes un-won.
Imagine if you could grow your revenue without adding additional staff to quote and design that additional work. Having a defined sales process, allows you to do this and massively affects your win rates on quoted opportunities.
Revenuify is the master of sales processes in the Integration and IT markets. We can work with your team to understand your objectives and help you improve your win rates with the solutions you represent.
Implementing a Renveueify Sales process can reduce your selling and marketing expenses by 6% on average.
If you are ready to start reducing your selling expense and improve your quoted win rates, Revneueify can help with these areas:
Sales Process Creation
WAS(Weekly Account Strategy) Huddle
ROP (Reveneify Opportunity Planning)
CRM Planning and alignment
Sales Leadership coaching
Reach out today for a free 30-minute executive overview of our solutions and how you can increase your quoted win rates.
Reach out today for a free 30-minute executive overview of our solutions and how you can increase your quoted win rates.
Revenue Operations
Profitable growth starts with a well-thought-out sales process. Hiring sales executives, budgeting and forecasting, and sales process design- are all critical to revenue growth, but too often are an afterthought. Revenueify can help by becoming your outsourced CRO to drive these key levers.